The #1 Skill You Need To Print Money

If you want to print money as a marketer, the #1 skill you need is angle creation.

Copywriting, media buying, funnel building, etc are all great but if you can be an overflowing source of new & creative angles to sell something that already has dozens of competitors in a saturated market (eg. investing, biz-opp, coaching, weight loss, etc.) you will never be broke a day in your life.

It's a small skillset that takes a lifetime to master BUT if you are top 1% in this skillset you can be a terrible writer, terrible media buyer, and a terrible funnel builder and STILL print money for as long as you need.

Anyone that's swiped emails from my lists knows they aren't Shakespeare works of art.

They work because of the ANGLE - not because of the actual "copywriting".

Here's an example:

A friend of mine sells a course on how to make a side-income by renting out other people's properties on AirBNB.

Not a super unique program, there's probably dozens of courses out there on this already.

$5k price point. Sold over Zoom by a closer. Nothing new here and was doing a respectable $30k-ish per month through Facebook Ads.

He wanted to get to $100k and eventually $1m months.

All of his ads & emails were around the angle of "make money with AirBNB" or "get into real estate with $0".

Good angles, but not unique, and beat-to-death.

So, to help him out, the very first thing I told him was that his offer needed a NEW angle.

Something fresh that no one has heard already, that could help him stand out among all the other AirBNB courses.

My last FB post goes over my general framework of how I do this using Elon Musk's thinking framework, called First Principles Thinking. I like to call this "First Principles Marketing".

In order to truly differentiate his offer, we had to first break down WHAT his offer was made up of, down to it's core, foundational building blocks.

So I started with a question: "Why do your customers actually buy your offer? What problem are they truly solving?"

He said, "passive income".

"True" I said, "but there's tons of offers that promise passive income. Why do people actually buy yours? Is it faster than other forms of investing? Is it less maintenance/on-going work? Why should I do AirBNB instead of just throwing my money into the stock market or crypto?"

He thought it over for a minute and I could tell he had never really considered what was different about his promise of "passive income" compared to others.

And most businesses have never really considered it either.

But it's worth doing if you sell in a competitive industry like investing, biz-opp, weight loss, coaching, etc. because people have heard the claims of "passive income" and "lose weight" already.

They need something NEW attached to it that will actually give them hope that they can finally solve their problem once and for all.

After thinking it over, my friend had an answer:

"You know, the biggest reason my clients have invested in AirBNB rather than other things is because they feel like it's a train about to leave the station. Most of my clients are older and feel they missed out already on big tech stocks like Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft. They saw that, then saw Bitcoin and crypto catch fire, and they feel like they missed that too. So they see AirBNB as something that hasn't "taken off" yet, that they can be early investors in."

Boom. New angle. A new way for him to sell the exact same product but in a way that's new, unique, and exciting.

So I wrote him the headline: "The next big investing train is leaving the station - learn how to tap into passive AirBNBs while you still can!"

It's not perfect, but it's new and unique. I told him to test it on email first, and to film 1 ad with the new angle to see how it compared to his others.

Triple clickthrough rates. More booked calls than any other promotion he had done recently.

Not much more effort input either. Didn't have to create a whole new product. Didn't have to build another funnel or re-record anything long-form. 5 minutes spent writing a new email and 10 minutes recording a new ad.

But, where hard work loses, smart work wins. Him having to think through WHY exactly people actually buy his product helped him create a new angle that will likely make him millions over the next few years.

In 2024 the offers that are winning and businesses that are printing money are the ones offering something NEW.

If your marketing looks & sounds like everyone else, don't be surprised as you watch your margins slowly get eaten.

Take 15 minutes and do this same exercise for your business or any you're involved in to create new ANGLES.

Ask yourself WHY people actually buy your product. Why do your clients choose you over others - what are the words/phrases repeated on sales calls and customer support calls.

It's the easiest way to print more money without changing anything about how you're doing business.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.


Lucas Lee-Tyson

Lessons learned from $62m+ in digital product sales.

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